RE: Killifish threat

Andrew Boyd (andrew at
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 10:23:11 +1000

At 07:21 AM 9/19/96 +-1000, Dr Bruce wrote:

>Andrew, I agree that the Killiekeepers have earned our respect for
>perseverance and ingenuity. However we need to logically assess the
>situation before we start the same campaign on them that has been aimed at
>Rainbowkeepers for years. By that I mean the "What If?" argument.

I was curious as to the veracity of these claims - of all the Killies, the
Annuals fascinate me the most... and I see your point about the "campaign"

>How many killie species are there in Oz that could really be cl;assed as a
>threat? The seasonal nature of the rainfall, the temperature ranges
>between Summer and Winter as well as the soil pH etc surely must narrow it
>down to a very few. Then we look at the n umbers and spread of the keepers
>who are likely to have these species and then whether they are likely to
>irresponsibly let them loose in the environment and for what purpose?
>By all means canvas opinions from the various killie groups and perhaps we
>can send them a request to advise their members of the dangers and target
>the message at those in vulnerable areas.

I'm not sure that there is a real potential problem... the numbers of the
"tough" Annuals being kept are that small and the people that do get hold of
them usually look after them.

>My limited understanding of details of requirements for individual species
>of killies suggests to me that there would only be less than 10 species
>that could realistically be considered a worry and maybe only 1 or 2 of
>these are in Australia and are not geographically a problem ( at least for
>the present).


Regards, Andrew Boyd

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