Re: fish ID

Bruce Hansen (bhansen at
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 07:21:50 +1100

Even though it is a lake-dwelling schooling fish there is still
considerable variation between individuals in M. lacustris. I admit to
being a little disappointed at my first glimpses of this fish after only
ever seeing Neil Armstrong's superb photo of the original specimen which
was the classic deep blue above and almost white below.

Once again it underlines the problem of breeding with too small a gene
pool, even with such a "trivial from a biological point of view" factor as
colour. It is not too hard to see how easily orange striping could be fixed
or augmented if the initial stock was limited in variability.

Bruce Hansen

PS I don't think Americans have a monoply on Paranoia (they have just
polished it to almost an "art-form") ;-)

email: bhansen at
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From: peter.unmack at ASU.Edu

Subject: Re: fish ID
Date: Saturday, 23 November 1996 2:55

On Fri, 22 Nov 1996, VERMILLION, DIANNE wrote: