Re: [RML] Newbie hatching questions

Andrew Boyd (andrew at
Sat, 29 Mar 1997 19:57:29 +1000

At 09:38 PM 3/27/97 -0700, Julie wrote:

>Raising eggs up/mailing fish in may be a moot point... Aren't you glad you
>joined the list? :) We sure are happy to have you aboard. Let us know
>how you do. BTW: Tell your wife she's missing out. Raisng up baby fish is
>the best fun... and then you can brag about the beautiful adults you have
>years and generations from now. :) Fishtanks are great for kids, too. Lots
>of education can be snuck into their little heads in this manner. ;)

This is a very important point... most of the children the same age as mine
haven't seen dozens of species of fish bred, not to mention the kittens born
in the loungeroom or Axolotls bred in the bathtubs outside or watched
ducklings hatch... They know a little of the nitrogen cycle and gas exchange
by having seen the effects of the temporary lack of effective means to deal
with one or the other. They've seen fish breed, two-foot long sicklets down
to three-lined pencilfish. They've seen little killies hatch from "mud"
(peat moss) and grow and spawn themselves in peat... and asked questions.

Regards, Andrew Boyd
Andrew Boyd - andrew at -
"May you kindle Fire and never be burned by it,
May the Air never send storms across your path,
May the path across the Earth be a soft one,
May the Water of your tears always taste sweet with joy,
May your Spirit find your own true path...."