The bouncing mailserver from CIT... (was Re: [RML] cc:Mail

Andrew Boyd (andrew at
Sun, 23 Mar 1997 15:00:45 +1000

At 11:54 AM 3/23/97 +1000, an ignorant mailserver wrote:
>Message is undeliverable.
>Reason: Unable to access cc:Mail Post office.
> Please retry later.
>Original text follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Alan has fixed the above problem. There will be a few "echoes" that may
take a couple of days to stop arriving. This is unavoidable.

Live long and prosper, and all that crap.

Andrew Boyd
Co-owner RML.

Andrew Boyd - andrew at -
"May you kindle Fire and never be burned by it,
May the Air never send storms across your path,
May the path across the Earth be a soft one,
May the Water of your tears always taste sweet with joy,
May your Spirit find your own true path...."