Re: Favourites

peter.unmack at ASU.Edu
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 07:52:41 -0700 (MST)

On Thu, 25 Jul 1996, Peter Hughes (X) wrote:

> Forget tatei, supposed to be a fairly plain fish, not commercial and

Why does everyone forget tatei? They are not a plain fish, if fact, I'd
prefer them to many splendidas. Take a look at the picture on my web
page of tatei and tell me that is a plain fish!! I'll agree though, they
aren't very available. Like other bows they vary across their range too
in colour. I
think is the direct link to the picture. If not you'll just have to go
via the index.

> > Fav., gertrudae: Bathurst island and the local one from Darwin (pretty
> yellow pectorals.

I'd add goanna lagoon and Jones Road are both pretty orange/yellow fish.
Bathursts have the nice big spotted fins but less body colour.

> > And finally give me your top 25 just can't live without them

Maculosus, sexlineata, pagwi, sentaniensis. (And Hunter thinks I've never
had any blondes......)

> > And I once lived in Sydney for 6 months. Are there any,
> > Rainbows etc., from that area worth keeping?
> >
> There are Duboulayi that come that far down the coast. I rather like them
> as a species, however many ANGFA members despise them.

Dubs only come down as far as the Macleay River ~500kms north of Sydney.
My fav dub is Delaneys Ck in the Brisbane R system. but then I've not
seen many of them.

> I would also like to add my bit about the keeping of gobies/gudgeons. It

Good to see someone who likes something other than blondes too. You can
have all the blondes you want Chris and Roy, I'm quite happy with what
I've got thank you. :-)


Peter Unmack