Re: [RML] Hardy "blue-eyes"

Mach T. Fukada (fukada at
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 18:31:57 -1000

Well, not an expert, but.... Most populations I have been playing with can
be adapted to 100% tap (hard and high pH), but will not do too well in
terms of full color or reproduction. Apparenty, the Ross River population
can be reared in 100% fresh, 50% 50%, etc, but will not show all of it's
"stunning" colors unless there is some measurable ammount of salt in the
water. Could also be a factor in the availability of other trace elements
in the sea water mixes that the fish need to be in their prime. I am doing
some tests now I have my fingerlings in about 2 ppt sea water (1 Tbs per
gallon about there or so) to see how they are doing before going to
complete tap water. I wish I had the space to do a real controled
experiment (100% sea water 75 % seawater, 50%, etc) and see how this
affects maturation, color and size/health of the fish.

I have been told that the southern populations of P. signifer tend
to be more adapted to fresh water (1 Tb per 5-10 gallons) or 100% fresh,
they tend to be smaller in size, shorter fins, and brighter in color.

>I will defer to the real experts on that one. Seems there have been
>several threads recently about signifers and their need for salt in the
>water. I think Mach F. from Hawaii is a keeper and breeder of these fish
>and has experience with several varieties.

Mach T. Fukada, Web Master
fukada at
Honolulu Aquarium Society