Re: [RML] Home page

magoo at
Sat, 15 Feb 1997 19:51:36 -0500

>There is a speel checker in front page but it would be so out of my nature
>is everything was spelled correctly!! tell me what page and word and I am
>sure I can fix it for you. I will not however use Australian fake
>english,,, like "colour"
>"doctour" "catalogue" "monologue" "spewing" or SPASTIC!

Some of those are Canadian spellings eh.

On both the Want to know more page and the Talk to the Chairman page the
word "don't" is missing the apostrophe. I'm sorry. I was not trying to
belittle your efforts. The site is EXCELLENT and I'm certain that you put
many hours (read days) into it's creation.

Your work is to be commended.

magoo at
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